IAD B2B Data collection and analysis

IAD B2B Data collection and analysis

Data collection and analysis

Using Marketing Environment Analysis, Target Marketing, and Marketing Research, we identify relevant client departments and analyze their specific needs and challenges.

This ensures resources like marketing budgets, sales efforts, and product development are directed towards areas with the highest potential for success.

Marketing Environment Analysis

Macro External Environment

I&D B2B Macro External Environment

Analyzing the technological environment for IT tools helps clients leverage advancements, adapt to changing consumer behaviors, and stay competitive.

Embracing innovations like AI, IoT, and Big Data Analytics enhances efficiency.

Micro External Environment

I&D B2B Micro External Environment

To customize strategies and allocate resources efficiently, understand the needs of B2B businesses and large corporations, identify decision-makers, analyze purchasing processes, and assess competition.

Target Marketing

Market Segmentation

I&D B2B Market Segmentation

Market segmentation helps clients understand their target audience, tailor marketing, allocate resources efficiently, and gain a competitive edge for sustainable growth by focusing on needs, geography, and demographics.

Market Positioning

I&D B2B Market Positioning

Understanding market competition and identifying unique positioning is crucial for overseas companies entering Japan, enabling them to create a blue ocean strategy and acquire new customers.

Marketing Research

Our data collection methodology uses existing secondary data from government sources, internal organizational data, and external sources like libraries, industries, online search engines, and relevant associations.

Research Methods

I&D B2B Research Methods

Our data collection approach includes interviews (surveys and discussions), telephone outreach for acquiring detailed departmental data, mail surveys for specific demographics, and online surveys via platforms like Google Forms.

These methods yield high interview effectiveness (>40%) and lead generation (2%-7%), outperforming Japanese competitors, supporting comprehensive market entry services such as telemarketing, webinars, email campaigns, exhibitions, direct mail, translation, sales deck design, intent marketing, and third-party recruitment.

Corporate Blog

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