IAD B2B Appealing Market Research Service

IAD B2B Appealing Market Research Service

Market Research Overview

I&D is a leading Japanese B2B marketing firm specializing in the IT, technology, and manufacturing sectors, trusted by many foreign-affiliated clients.

They offer expertise in market research, data analysis, and promotion strategies to help companies optimize their marketing, innovate products/services, and enhance competitiveness and profitability in Japan.

IAD B2B Appealing Market Research Service

Data collection and analysis

We identify the relevant departments within the client's organization and analyze their specific needs and challenges to understand the value proposition.

This detailed analysis ensures that resources like marketing budgets, sales efforts, and product development are directed towards areas with the highest potential for success.

I&D analyze client departments to direct resources like marketing and sales to areas with the highest success potential.

Promotion Strategy

I&D goal is to promote the customer's product or service in Japan through various services after data analysis.

Once sufficient data is gathered and analyzed, our objective is to promote the customer's product or service in Japan through a range of services to initiate business and build partnerships effectively.

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