Personal Data Protection Policy
I&D Inc. (I&D), in accordance with its Basic Commitment and Standards of Conduct, engages in various marketing activities that contribute to companies who wish to maintain present customers or obtain new ones, while conducting comprehensive marketing service I&D has established the I&D Personal Data Protection Program(the "Program?E, and strictly maintain it in accordance with the following Basic Policy. I&D protects personal data obtained from its stakeholders in the course of business activities appropriately in accordance with the following Basic Policy, recognizing that personal data is an important asset of each stakeholder and also an important asset for I&D, leading to creation of new value.
Basic Policy
1. I&D strictly observe the Personal Data Protection Law and other relevant laws and regulations. I&D has established the I&D Personal Data Protection Program (the "Program"), which I&D carefully implements and maintains, while striving to continuously improve the personal data protection management system.
2. While maintaining the accuracy and up-to-dateness of personal data, I&D strives to prevent unauthorized access to personal data or the leakage, loss, or damage of personal data and continually enhances and remediate information security management.
3. I&D has established a management framework for personal data protection and ensures that all officers and employees recognize the importance of the Program and comply with it.
4. I&D utilizes personal data within the scope of the intended use that is clearly communicated to customers. I&D does not disclose or provide personal data provided by customers to third parties except with the consent of the customer from whom the personal data was obtained or when there is a legitimate reason.
5. I&D may obtain indirectly the personal data by the request of I&D's clients in order to send the information of client's product/Service/Exhibition/Seminar by way of Tel/e-mail/Direct mail/Web within the scope of the intended use. I&D maintains the provide personal data in accordance with the client's Program and the Personal Data Protection Law and Business agreement.
6. I&D takes a necessary procedure to select the adequate parties who are enough to maintain the Personal Data Protection Law when I&D provides the Personal Data to the third parties.
7. I&D responds to inquiries from customers concerning personal data or requests from customers for disclosure of personal data sincerely and without delay.
Established: April 1, 2005
Revised: July 6, 2006
Hirofumi Fukushige
I&D Inc.
The Privacy Mark
In April 2005 I&D established the I&D Personal Data Protection Program
in compliance with JIS
Q15001 and in April 2007 acquired Privacy Mark
certification from Japan Information Processing
Corporation (JIPDEC). The Privacy Mark is awarded to companies that
appropriately handle
personal data.